Be a big help with the Green Man Parade on 21st July 2018
Could YOU be a big help with the Green Man Parade? We are always looking for people to help get it to happen and make it a success again! Contact us through this website if you would like to contribute!
As usual, the Green Man Parade 2018 will leave The Square, Barnstaple at 11am on Green Man Saturday, this year 21st July, and, led by the Town Crier Tom Evans and the Samba Band, will proceed along Barnstaple High Street, across Pilton Causeway and up Pilton Street to Pilton House and Rotary Gardens. It is scheduled to reach Pilton Street at 11.30am and Pilton House by 11.45am, just in time for the first Green Man Pageant which takes place in the grounds of Pilton House at 12 noon.
It's great fun to dress up for the Parade and amaze the crowds in Barnstaple with the colourful display of spinners (left), dragons and caterpillars all led by the Green Man and the Prior.
If you would like to take part in the Green Man Parade, please contact a member of the Pilton Green Man Committee or email us through the website: