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How to get an Award from the Trust

Area of Benefit

The Pilton Green Man CIO will achieve its objectives by making small grants and/or loans available to community organisations, charities, groups and individuals to carry out projects which will benefit the people of Pilton.  The geographical area of Pilton covers the area approximately from the ND District Hospital to Pottington and from Bradiford to Raleigh and Yeo Vale but the Trust will also consider requests for projects related to Pilton which fall outside this geographical area. 

Money Available

The money available will always depend on the success of the annual Pilton Green Man events in July and other community events organised by the CIO to raise money.  In 2016 and 2017, Pilton Green Man Day was very wet and only broke even financially despite still being very popular. As a result of the good weather on Green Man Day 2018, a profit of nearly £3k was made to boost the funds available for awards.

However, Green Man Day 2019 again only broke even because of another damp day. It was decided to take year off in 2020 to give the organising teams a well-earned rest and, because of the Covid pandemic, this unexpectedly turned into two years off. Pilton Green Man Day returned on a lovely hot day in July 2022 and again turned a profit. However, because of the retirement from the Committee of the Overall Coordinator and Road Closure Leader, it was necessary to cancel the 2023 Green Man Day. Recruitment to these two key posts has now been successful and the 2024 Green Man Day will be on Saturday 20th July.

We still have funds available to give grants to individuals and organisation which meet our objectives. Whilst these objectives may be seen as limited, there is considerable flexibility in the use of the wording "not exclusively" and "not limited to" so if you think we can help please email us or contact a Trustee.

How to apply for a grant or loan

The Trustees will usually meet four times a year to consider applications, which must be made using the standard Grant Application Form which can be found at the end of that link. The quarterly meeting dates and closing dates for the submission of applications will normally be published on this website.

The next trustees' meeting will be in March 2024 when further grant applications can be considered. However, we are happy for you to come and discuss your ideas for charitable activities with us before that date. Informal discussions held with some of the Trustees initially are likely to help develop a project and smooth its path to successful funding.

All applications must clearly show a need which falls within the CIO's objects and set out clearly how the project will benefit the people of Pilton. To fulfil the requirements for a grant or loan you will have to clearly demonstrate the charitable purposes of you project and afterwards a short report (1 page) will be required to demonstrate the outcomes achieved, how the money was spent, repayment of any loan or profit made, the people who benefited and any lessons learnt. In particular cases a short presentation to the Trustees and/or to the community may be requested. This is essential for the trust to maintain its charitable status. We may also limit the number of awards possible for multiple applications by individuals for the same activity.

Future awards by the CIO will be made on the basis of being for a specific project and for a specific timescale. Significant changes to the scope and content of a project and the timescale within which it will be carried out may require a re-application.


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